Gorilla Reset Technique Course.

How to Calm Intense Stress and Anxiety Fast

With the Goriila Reset Technique

Do you have Anxiety or ADHD?

Have you ever felt stuck in an emotional state like:

Anger, Anxiety, Fear, Frustration,

feeling over stimulated or overwhelm and could not get out of it?


Get unstuck fast! 

Learn how to go from overwhelming emotions to calm in 60 seconds. 

With this Gorilla Reset technique course. 


Sign up now to get a 50% discount when this course is launched.

Be the first to sign up - Launching July 1, 2024

Instant Calm

Gorilla Reset helps you break free from feeling stuck and overwhelmed with emotions like worry, fear, anxiety, anger, frustration, irritability, guilt or shame and achieve a state of calm in seconds.

"I feel peace and calm now," Sara

Emotional Mastery

With this course you will learn how to stop runaway emotions with the Gorilla Reset.  This unique skill will reset your brain and calm your nervous system in 60 seconds.

"I have not felt this relaxed in years, no anxiety," Tony

Revolutionary Technique

Incorporating research from bilateral stimulation and tapping the Gorilla Reset technique provides a ground-breaking method for emotional and mental stability.

"My mind feels more free. This is how I want to feel," Chris 

What are people saying?

Tony suffered from anxiety, OCD and back pain so badly his whole body was shook when he walked into my office for the first time. After 60 seconds of doing the Gorilla Reset he was calmer and his whole body stopped shaking. He continues to use this technique outside of our sessions with great results. 

"I do not feel any pain. I feel calm and do not feel any anxiety. I have not felt this relaxed in years!"

Dedra was recovering from opioid addiction. She felt scattered, overwhelmed and depressed. She had success using the Gorilla Reset. 

"I feel a lot better. I feel  more in the moment. I was scattered before but not now. I am more relaxed and calmer. My mind feels more clear and at peace. My body and shoulders feel more relaxed. I like this a lot. I did not think it was going to help but it did. It has been a while since I have felt this." 

Chris, a man in his 40s struggled with PTSD, anxiety, depression, racing thoughts, chronic pain and was only sleeping two hours a night. After 60 seconds of the Gorilla Reset:

"My mind feels more free. This is how I want to feel. My mind is where I want it now. I feel normal. I feel more comfortable. This is how I want to feel." 

Alex's mother had recently passed away and she was feeling overwhelmed, angry, and hurt with family discord. After doing the the Gorilla Reset she experienced incredible relief and cried for two minutes.

"These are happy tears. I am calm and ready to take on the day. I felt a release. I needed that."   

Sara, recovering from addiction to alcohol was feeling overwhelmed and stuck in stress and racing thoughts. After 60 seconds of utilizing the Gorilla Reset technique, her mood changed. 

"I feel peace and calm now."

Cooper was recently accused of a crime and was feeling extreme stress and anxiety. His increasing fear of authority figures limited his ability to leave the house or drive in a car. After doing the Gorilla Reset technique for the first time, his emotional state changed. 

"I feel awake... lighter... I feel calm."  

Turn off your fight or flight response. 

Signing up for the Gorilla Reset is the first step to managing your intense emotions. Bring peace and calm back into your life. 

The Gorilla Reset uses techniques learned from gorilla's while incorporating bilateral stimulation and tapping to help the brain quickly reset and bring you into a natural state of calm.   

Sign up for the Gorilla Reset course now


This is the time to improve relationships by reducing anxiety, conflict, racing thoughts, and overwhelming emotions.

Don't let your emotions control you any more. Stop it with the Gorilla Reset technique. 

Sign up now to get a 50% discount when this course is launched.

Be the first to sign up - Launching July 1, 2024